Wednesday 24 February 2016

Governments set UNEA-2 agenda

STAKEHOLDERS across various countries gathered in Nairobi, Kenya last week, to channel a focus for the forthcoming United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-2).
The week-long event was the second meeting of the Open Ended Committee of Permanent Representatives of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (OECPR-2), where environment ministers, high-level government delegates and representatives of major groups set the agenda for the UNEA-2, which will be held at the United Nations Environment Programme’s Nairobi headquarters from May 23-27.
At the meeting, key actors set the stage for key decisions on the implementation of the environmental dimension of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, including addressing the environmental aspects of global humanitarian crises and human health risks.
UNEP’s Executive Director, Achim Steiner said: “At the United Nations Environment Assembly, every nation has a seat at the table. Since its first meeting in 2014, UNEA has become the world’s de facto Parliament for the Environment.
“When ministers gather here in Nairobi in May for UNEA-2, the decisions they take will again set the global environmental agenda. Keeping the global environment under review through science and policy dialogue enables governments to build the international agreements that will result in improvements for both the environment and human development.”
Nigeria’s Minister of Environment, Anima Mohammed, at the event, urged for a synergy in order to have a better planet, nothing that no one should be left behind as nations prepare for the UNEA-2.
“Our planet is our commonwealth, our dignity and hope. Leaving no one behind will be fundamental as we prepare for the second United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA2) coming up in May.”
It therefore, behoves on us to consolidate on the ongoing efforts and deliberations towards a clear pathway to set a concrete resolution that will facilitate the implementation of actions to deliver on the interrelated environmental dimensions of the universal Agenda 2030 for sustainable development,” she said.

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